Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Preparing to be a Great-Dad

Got some great news last night. My son called and told us that he and his wife were expecting. They have been looking to adopt a child for well over a year, and it looks like they will be graced with a baby girl in July.

Of course, Mrs. Blind and I are especially gruntled over the news, and have spent much of last night and today calling family and friends with the news. And we are so happy for our son and daughter-in-law, the happy parents-to-be. We know that they will be wonderful parents.

In the meantime, I have four months to prepare to be a Great-Dad. I'm already a Great-Uncle to a wonderful little girl who is now 2 1/2 years old, so the equivalent of my children's children would be a Great-Dad to them. Besides Grand Dad sounds so old and I'm certainly not old! Am I?

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